Compilation of standards, guidelines, protocols, most used standars and / or recognized. It is an evolving list and to complete any contribution is welcome.
Some of them are mere references and to access them need to register or pay for the document.One of the main sources, has been the Gestproject® program. In his version LT includes this list for free and can be downloaded from the web Descarga Gestproject® LT.
You can also go to the BIM standard Dashboard in Power BI make with buildingSmart Spain. The objective of this dashboard is to give access to different reference documents published by the main actors, thus creating a BIM Document Library that contains guides, manuals, EIRs, standards, reports, etc.
Update: 2020/07/01
Also you can download an PDF version of this list: QBIMGEST-Listado Standards_2020-07-01.pdf
Update: 2020/07/01
Also you can download an PDF version of this list: QBIMGEST-Listado Standards_2020-07-01.pdf
- Alemania 30/11/2013 ARGE BIM-Leitfaden AEC3 & OPB 2013 BIM-Guide for Germany
- Australia 01/09/2011 NATSPEC NATSPEC National BIM Guide - web
- Australia 01/09/2011 NATSPEC NATSPEC National BIM Guide and Project BIM Brief Template v02
- Australia 01/09/2011 NATSPEC NATSPEC BIM Reference Schedule v01
- Australia 01/09/2011 NATSPEC NATSPEC BIM Object/Element Matrix v01
- Australia y Nueva Zelanda 01/06/2011 Australian & New Zealand Revit Standards ANZRS v.3
- Austria 15/03/2015 ÖNORMEN ÖNORM 6241-2: 2015 07 01
- Brasil 01/01/2015 Abrava Iniciativas do Governo Federal para Implantação do BIM no Brasil
- Brasil 01/10/2013 ASBEA Guia AsBEA boas ptracticas BIM Fasciculo I
- Brasil 01/10/2013 ASBEA Guia AsBEA boas ptracticas BIM Fasciculo II
- Canada 01/09/2014 CanBIM Council AEC (CAN) BIM Protocol 2.0
- Chile 01/01/2016 BIM Forum Chile
- Colombia 01/01/2015 ABIM Asociacion Colombiana BIM
- Dinamarca 15/03/2015 BIPS Byggeriets IKT-specifikationer
- España 01/09/2011 FIDE FIDE (Spanish)
- España 07/10/2014 Building SMART Spanish Chapter uBIM
- España 07/10/2014 Building SMART Spanish Chapter uBIM D1 - Parte General
- España 07/10/2014 Building SMART Spanish Chapter uBIM D2 - Estado Actual
- España 07/10/2014 Building SMART Spanish Chapter uBIM D3 - Diseño Arquitectónico
- España 07/10/2014 Building SMART Spanish Chapter uBIM D4 - Diseño de las instalaciones
- España 07/10/2014 Building SMART Spanish Chapter uBIM D5 - Diseño Estructural
- España 07/10/2014 Building SMART Spanish Chapter uBIM D6 - Aseguramiento de la Calidad
- España 07/10/2014 Building SMART Spanish Chapter uBIM D7 - Mediciones
- España 07/10/2014 Building SMART Spanish Chapter uBIM D8 - Visualización
- España 07/10/2014 Building SMART Spanish Chapter uBIM D9 - Análisis de las instalaciones
- España 07/10/2014 Building SMART Spanish Chapter uBIM D10 - Análisis Energético
- España 07/10/2014 Building SMART Spanish Chapter uBIM D11 - Gestión de Proyectos
- España 07/10/2014 Building SMART Spanish Chapter uBIM D12 - Facility Management
- España 07/10/2014 Building SMART Spanish Chapter uBIM D13 - Construcción
- Estados Unidos 01/04/2013 National BIM Standard-United States NBIMS-US PROJECT COMMITTEE RULES OF GOVERNANCE v3
- Estados Unidos 01/06/2011 Georgia GSFIC GSFIC BIM Guide
- Estados Unidos 28/04/2014 NY SCA BIM Guidelines and Standards for Architects and Engineers v1.1
- Estados Unidos 01/01/2011 Georgia Tech
- Estados Unidos 01/01/2012 GSA BIM Guide Series
- Estados Unidos 01/04/2010 Department of VA The VA BIM Guide
- Estados Unidos 01/07/2012 NYC DDC DDC BIM Guidelines
- Estados Unidos 01/06/2011 City of San Antonio CoSA BIM Standards
- Estados Unidos 01/07/2012 Wisconsin DOA Master specifications
- Estados Unidos 01/07/2012 Wisconsin DOA BIM Guidelines and Standards
- Estados Unidos 01/04/2012 MIT Dept. of Facilities MIT CAD and BIM Guidelines
- Estados Unidos 01/01/2010 LA Community College DB BIM Standards
- Estados Unidos 01/07/2012 Indiana University IU BIM Guidelines and Standards
- Estados Unidos 01/01/2008 The American Institute of Architects AIA Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide
- Estados Unidos 01/01/2007 Autodesk BIM and Cost Estimating
- Estados Unidos 01/01/2007 Autodesk BIM’s Return on Investment
- Estados Unidos 01/06/2007 The American Institute of Architects AIA E201–2007 - Digital Data Protocol Exhibit
- Estados Unidos 01/06/2008 The American Institute of Architects AIA E202–2008 - Building Information Modeling Protocol Exhibit
- Estados Unidos 01/06/2013 The American Institute of Architects AIA E203–2013 - Building Information Modeling and Digital Data Exhibit
- Estados Unidos 01/06/2013 The American Institute of Architects AIA G201–2013, Project Digital Data Protocol Form
- Estados Unidos 01/06/2013 The American Institute of Architects AIA G202–2013, Project Building Information Modeling Protocol Form
- Estados Unidos 01/06/2013 Consensus Docs 300 - Tri-Party Agreement for Integrated Project Delivery
- Estados Unidos 01/06/2013 Consensus Docs 301 - Building Information Modeling (BIM) Addendum
- Estonia 01/01/2015 Riigi Kinnisvarast Ehitusinformatsiooni juhtimine (BIM)
- Finlandia 01/03/2012 Building SMART Finland Common BIM Requirements 2012
- Francia 01/01/2015 BIM France BIM France
- Holanda 01/02/2013 RGD Rgd BIM Norm (Dutch)
- Hong Kong 01/06/2011 HKIBIM HKIBIM_Specification-Rev3-0
- Hong Kong 01/06/2011 HKIBIM HKIBIM_CIC’s BIM Standards (Phase One)
- Hungria 01/01/2013 TDK dolgozat BIM rendszerek alkalmazásának lehetoségei a magyarországi gyakorlatban
- Inglaterra 01/09/2012 AEC (UK) CAD & BIM Standards Site AEC (UK) BIM Protocol v2.0
- Inglaterra 01/02/2013 The British Standards Institution PAS 1192:2007 - Collaborative production of architectural, engineering and construction information – Code of practice
- Inglaterra 01/02/2013 The British Standards Institution PAS 1192-2:2013 - Specification for information management for the capital/delivery phase of construction projects using building information modelling
- Inglaterra 01/12/2013 The British Standards Institution PAS 1192-3:2014 - Specification for information management for the operational phase of assets using building information modelling
- Inglaterra 08/05/2014 The British Standards Institution "PAS 1192-4:2014 Collaborative production of
- information"
- Inglaterra 25/08/2010 ISO BIP 2207 Building information management. A standard framework and guide to BS 1192
- Inglaterra 01/02/2013 Construction Industry Council The CIC BIM Protocol
- Inglaterra 01/02/2013 Construction Industry Council The CIC BIM Protocol Appendix 1
- Inglaterra 01/02/2013 Construction Industry Council The CIC BIM Protocol Appendix 1
- Inglaterra 01/02/2013 BIM Task Group BIM Employer’s Information Requirements (EIR)
- Inglaterra 30/06/2010 The British Standards Institution BS ISO 29481-1:2010 - Building information modelling. Information delivery manual. Methodology and format
- Inglaterra 31/03/2013 The British Standards Institution BS ISO 29481-2:2012 - Building information models. Information delivery manual. Interaction framework
- International 31/08/2012 ISO ISO/TS 12911:2012 - Framework for building information modelling (BIM) guidance
- International 01/01/2014 ISO Draft ISO/DIS 16757-1 Data structures for electronic product catalogues for building services -- Part 1
- International 14/01/2014 ISO ISO 15686-4:2014 - Building Construction -- Service Life Planning -- Part 4: Service Life Planning using Building Information Modelling
- International 21/03/2013 ISO ISO 16739:2013 - Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) for data sharing in the construction and facility management industries
- International 01/02/2013 ISO ISO 15926-2:2003 - Industrial automation systems and integration -- Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities -- Part 2: Data model
- Mexico 09/03/2016 Arcadis Estrategia del BIM para México
- Mexico 01/01/2016 BIM Forum México Estrategia del BIM para México
- Noruega 17/12/2013 Statsbygg Statsbygg BIM Manual 1.2.1
- Noruega 17/04/2012 Boligprodusentene BIM Manual 1.0 English
- Noruega 10/11/2012 Boligprodusentene BIM Manual 2.0 Normay
- Perú 01/08/2014 Comité BIM y CAPECO Protocolos BIM Peru
- Polonia 12/10/2015 Izba Projektowania Budowlanego Normtiva de referencia
- Portugal 01/01/2015 The Scientific World Journal BIM-Based E-Procurement: An Innovative Approach to Construction E-Procurement
- Singapur 01/08/2013 BCA/CORENET Singapore BIM Guide - web
- Singapur 01/08/2013 BCA/CORENET Singapore BIM Guide Version 2.0
- Singapur 01/05/2012 BCA/CORENET BIM Particular Conditions Version 2.0
- Suecia 01/01/2014 BIM Alliance Sweden BIM Alliance Sweden
I read your blogs regularly. You haven't enough information about BIM. I want more information in your next blog.
ResponderEliminarBuilding information modeling Services
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ResponderEliminarNo funcionan los enlaces, estan eliminados los documentos
ResponderEliminarA partir de ahora hay un nuevo documento que es el Ecosistema en Power BI en el que los enlaces están recisados
EliminarThis article on BIM standards is exceptionally well-written and insightful. It provides a comprehensive overview of the critical guidelines and best practices necessary for effective Building Information Modeling. The clear explanations and practical examples make complex concepts accessible and highlight the importance of standardization in enhancing collaboration, accuracy, and efficiency in construction projects. Your thorough analysis underscores how adhering to these standards can significantly improve project outcomes and drive industry innovation. Well done on such a valuable and informative piece!
ResponderEliminarPinnacle Infotech